Monday, November 9, 2020

“You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.” – Anonymous

“The Human Condition: As User’s Manual,” by Arnold Kunst 

7 November 

God wants our worship. I have no idea why, but there is considerable evidence that He does. And that’s all the more remarkable because as a matter of course we don't do a very good job providing what He wants. Sometimes, of course, we do, but that's like saying sometimes a dog walks on his hind legs - yes, but not often and never gracefully. What He wants is really simple, at least in the Christian tradition: we’re asked to bring along to the table of sacrifice a few crusts of bread and a few drops of wine and He'll do the rest.  And what of us, the ones who are to provide those incidentals? Well, to be blunt, we're not up to much. Think of it: not only do we have nothing to offer that He needs, we ourselves are riddled with everything that He isn't. With no trouble at all you and I can be - and often are - petty, judgmental, prone to jealousy; we're lazy, condescending, self-centered, greedy, small-minded; we pollute our own creativity by justifying abominable choices, we judge others by their behavior and ourselves by our intentions. I’ll stop there. So, the question is, why would He want us involved in this few-crusts-of-bread, few-drops-of-wine activity? Why would He want ANYthing to do with us? Because He loves us more than we can imagine. The God of the universe is, apparently, crazy about us. "’Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,’ says the LORD, who has compassion on you.” Crazy about us!

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