Wednesday, July 31, 2019

“5:00 AM: the hour when legends are either waking up or going to bed.” - Anonymous

From “The Human Condition: A User’s Manual,” by Arnold Kunst
31 July

If timeless, spaceless realities [beauty, truth, goodness, simplicity, play, etc] don’t stretch you beyond your comfort zones, it’s because you’re focused on the tawdry. You’ve sold your very soul for a pittance.

“Don't ever let anyone belittle your ambitions.” - Mark Twain

From “Lincoln 365,” by Arnold Kunst
July 31
“I don't know who my grandfather was; I am much more concerned to know what his grandson will be.” - Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

“The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have.” – Vince Lombardi

From “The Human Condition: A User’s Manual,” by Arnold Kunst
30 July

You’re blessed indeed if your God stretches you beyond your comfort zones. [Or would you prefer to scale a ten-foot mountain?]

“Where do I sign?” - Anonymous

From “Lincoln 365,” by Arnold Kunst
July 30
“When the people rise in masses in behalf of the Union and the liberties of their country, truly may it be said, ‘the gates of hell shall not prevail against them.’”- Abraham Lincoln

Monday, July 29, 2019

“Rise to the level of the child.” - Dr. Shinichi Suzuki

From “The Human Condition: A User’s Manual,” by Arnold Kunst
29 July
Arnold Kunst and the Piano, Part One
When I was 7 I saw a little-known Disney movie called “Johnny Appleseed.” One of the movie’s songs was “The Lord is Good to Me.” When I came home I picked the tune out on the [unused] piano, then told my Mommy and my Daddy that I wanted to take piano lessons.
I did, for three years. At the end of my 4th grade I even made it to Prince Charming during the end-of-year Cinderella-themed recital. But family financial troubles meant we couldn’t afford the cost [$100 for a school year] so I quit that year.
I took it up again when I was in high school, and minored in music in college.
I taught my very first piano lesson at 23 in the summer of 1964 to a 5-year-old girl living next door to us. She had heard me play, and told her mother she wanted me to teach her piano. When her mother asked me I said, “Sounds fun, but I’ve never taught piano before.” The mother, with great wisdom, said in reply, “All you have to do is get a book that’s at her level, and then just stay a few pages ahead of her. After all, she’s only five, right?”

Well, I did take her on. Of course, the kid’s mother was dead right. Eventually I became qualified, would you believe, with the Royal School of Music in London; I taught piano for the next 20 years. It was a fun 20 years, believe me. And I never looked back!

“I’d be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there’s evidence of any thinking going on inside it.” - Terry Pratchett

From “Lincoln 365,” by Arnold Kunst
July 29
“As a general rule I abstain from reading reports of attacks upon myself, wishing not to be provoked by that to which I cannot properly offer an answer.” - Abraham Lincoln