Friday, June 15, 2018

“To truly laugh you must be able to take your pain and play with it.” – Charlie Chaplin

From “Lincoln 365,” by Arnold Kunst
June 14
 In early 1860 during what turned out to be a spectacular speaking tour of New England, Lincoln was approached by the Reverend Mr. Gulliver who told him how impressed he was with the talk he had just heard Lincoln deliver. Lincoln was somewhat taken aback by such fulsome praise, so he asked him what he found so remarkable about his speech. Gulliver replied, ‘The cleanness of your statements, the unanswerable style of your reasoning, and, especially, your illustrations, which were romance and pathos and fun and logic all welded together.’

‘The enduring appeal of the Charlie Chaplin tramp character is the fact that, at all times, he exuded pathos, humor and grace all welded together.’
- Arnold Kunst

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