Friday, December 7, 2012

Lincoln jokes, part 1

At one point Secretary of War Edwin Stanton replied to a telegram from the President demanding urgent instructions, with "all right, go ahead."

"I suppose you meant," said Mr. Lincoln, "that it is all right if it is good for you, and all wrong if it is not.

“That reminds me," said he, "of a story about a horse that was sold at the cross-roads near where I once lived. The horse was supposed to be fast, and quite a number of people were present at the time appointed for the sale.

“A small boy was employed to ride the horse backward and forward to exhibit his points. One of the would-be buyers followed the boy down the road and asked him confidentially if the horse had a splint.

“‘Well, mister,' said the boy, if it's good for him he has got it, but if it ain't good for him he don't.'"

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