Monday, October 22, 2012

Lincoln, Obama and Romney: The Ultimate Zinger

Tonight Obama and Romney are going toe to toe yet again, this time over foreign policy. I’m sure each in his heart of hearts is hoping for that ever-elusive but supreme gotcha moment. But my guess is, they will each, like kids with with nose pressed against the candy store window, sigh longingly for the following Abraham Lincoln there’s-no-answer-to-that-one zinger.

It happened during one of the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858. Douglas had just come out with what Lincoln clearly considered a particularly lame argument, and replied, “Hasn’t it got down about as thin as a homoepathic soup made by boiling the shadow of a pigeon that died of starvation?”

History does not record what Douglas said immediately after the laughter died down, but my guess is, he stood there looking about as graceful as a side-stepping pregnant duck.

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